threaten security

美 [ˈθretn sɪˈkjʊrəti]英 [ˈθretn sɪˈkjʊərəti]
  • 威胁到安保
threaten securitythreaten security
  1. Tourists who behave badly and threaten security at Beijing Capital International Airport will be placed on record , which could affect their future travel plans .


  2. Peter Pham , Associate Professor of Justice Studies , Political Science and Africana Studies at James Madison University , says conditions in Somalia threaten security and stability of the Horn of Africa :


  3. He says the competition this could create may also threaten international security .


  4. It will greatly threaten the security of this country .


  5. Network monitoring tools are invaders common tools and threaten network security greatly .


  6. The war will threaten the security of international reserve .


  7. Poverty , disease and conflicts have historically threaten food security .


  8. Confirming the sequence of threaten , security target , module and index .


  9. The coal mine ground-water is one of the important factors that threaten coal security .


  10. And as you threaten our security , we will threaten your security .


  11. Through this program , different government agencies try to visa applicants who could threaten national security .


  12. The thesis begins with the state of Internet security problem , analyzes the major factors that threaten Internet security .


  13. At the international level , several acute risks and dangers can threaten health security , sometimes globally .


  14. Gas disaster is always one of the main disasters to threaten the security of coal mine in the coal exploitation .


  15. Biological invasion have threaten the security of natural ecosystems , and been recognized as a global environmental problem .


  16. It will seriously threaten the security and efficiency of P2P routing if the logic relations were destroyed .


  17. A changing climate will threaten food security , and put more people at risk of malnutrition and disease , he says .


  18. The vibration fault would threaten the security and stability of the unit , more serious damage is the ruin of unit .


  19. The PDB ( Period Doubling Bifurcation ) and chaos phenomenon may threaten the security and stability of electric power system .


  20. Water resource shortages and tensions among nations resulting from water problems directly threaten the security and stability of the Central Asian region .


  21. The nonnative personnel crimes increase every year and has been listed in high-danger groups who threaten social security .


  22. The exiting of investing bank could threaten the security of investors , even influence the operation of the financial system and social-economic life .


  23. Foreign investors linked to a country or an organisation that could threaten national security will also face restrictions in buying South Korean companies .


  24. They want to buy cheap electronics from China – and to blame politicians when global supply chains threaten job security at home .


  25. The post crimes in bank circles would threaten the security of bank and become the obstacles to the reforms and development of them .


  26. Meanwhile , the network intrusions and attacks have been become more pervasive and devastating , which threaten the security of Internet .


  27. Hughes next set to work to find a disarmament formula that would neither impair American security nor threaten the security of Japan and Britain .


  28. Covert channel can leak sensitive information in a manner that violates the system 's security policy , so it will threaten the security of the system .


  29. In the Mitnick affair a hack infiltrate into many department ' network , which threaten the security of the country .


  30. Agricultural biological disasters have seriously constrained yield and quality of agricultural products and also can threaten food security , biodiversity , food safety , and eco-environment .
